Teeth can be straightened with orthodontics (braces). This is usually done during the teenage years, when the jaws are going through a period of growth. However, many adults also have treatment to straighten their crooked teeth or to improve their appearance. The treatment can take much longer in adults and is therefore more expensive. Some people have clear or plastic braces, which are hardly noticeable.
Many people wrongly assume that your orthodontist deals purely with children’s teeth whereas in reality orthodontics is for all ages. In fact, with the continued advances in dental technology and the wider availability of clear braces as well aligners such as Invisalign, we are helping more adults than ever before to straighten their teeth and correct their smiles.
Orthodontic treatment has many benefits for children and adults too, so let’s take a look:
Increased confidence
Facilitates oral hygiene – Teeth that are crowded or misaligned are difficult to clean and if particles of food get trapped then this can lead to decay and possible tooth loss.
Improves functionality – People suffering with misaligned teeth or a bad bite, may well struggle with biting and chewing their food.
Better long term health of teeth and gums – Straight teeth are easier to clean and less prone to the risk of trauma and injury.
Improves wear on teeth – Bad bites and misaligned teeth can lead to teeth being subjected to uneven force distribution and wear patterns which can lead to visible wear and tear of the teeth.
If you are considering orthodontic treatment, first, book an appointment to see us and get our advice. We are lucky to provide both fixed braces – either metal brackets or ceramic “clear” brackets as well as Invisalign.
Our Fees
Metal Brackets: £1700 per arch
Radiance “Clear” Braces: £2000 per arch
All fees include a free set of retainers at the end of your treatment