What Is a Dental Exam?
An exam plays a really important part in your overall dental care. We will check the health of your mouth as a whole. We check the gums, cheeks, tongue, roof of mouth, jaw joints and muscles of the face for abnormalities. We also check your teeth, fillings and all previous dentistry you have had done. We can then grade your level of risk when it comes to tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer and tooth wear. We can then help you prevent these problems, treat them and build a plan for the future.
Why Would I Need a Dental Exam?
You may be suffering from pain in the mouth, an ulcer or bleeding of the gums. You may not be able to eat comfortably, or find drinks sensitive.
You may have a loose or broken tooth, or a set of dentures that are not functioning as well as they could.
During the exam we can spot problems and treat accordingly. We can also see areas where there may be problems developing before you are even aware.
Its also important to get your children in a good habit with attending the dentist so we can teach them the skills to look after their teeth as they go into adulthood.
Benefits of Dental Exam
Visiting a dentist regularly ensures we can help restore and maintain good dental and oral health, this in turn means we can prevent problems from occurring. This all results in our patients living a pain free life and a healthy mouth.
Dental Exam Procedure
First we check your medical history – its important we take all the details, including the medicines you take, any reasons for hospitalisations. This is so we can give you the very best care for your well being.
We then look outside the mouth (jaw and joints and muscles) and inside the mouth. We use a mirror and measuring probe, and sometimes air to dry the teeth to see more clearly, to check that there are no underlying problems.
Book Your Dental Assessment
All patients of all ages need to be seen by a dentist at least once every 6 months. Even full denture patients need to be seen a minimum of once a year so we can detect any early issues.
The mouth is the opening to the rest of the body, a healthy mouth in turn means a healthy body. Don’t neglect your health, book in to see a dentist today!

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