At Church Street Dental Practice we care deeply about the oral health of each and every patient we see. This is why our Clinicians will always do an Oral Cancer Screening for you when you attend your Examination appointment.
Mouth Cancer is a serious issue in the UK, with more than 2000 people having lost their life to this terrible disease last year. To find out more about Mouth Cancer, please visit this website:
We want to raise awareness and help to support Mouth Cancer Action and the Oral Health Foundation by trying to raise as much money as possible.
Fundraising for Mouth Cancer Action at Church Street Dental Practice
Dr Jaz Jandu
Dr Jag Dhesi
Dr Hayley Jackson
Dr Riah Ruprah
Mrs Claire Duffy
This wonderful brave bunch have volunteered to be part of a very special event at Church Street… on 30th November 2021 one of them will be getting a blue pie in the face!
Yes, you read that right.
Voting is easy! So who do you want to see looking anything like this?->
Simply make a donation on our online Fundraising page and post the name of the person you are choosing for in the comments, or visit us at the practice and make a small cash donation for your chance to vote for your favourite!
Mouth Cancer is a serious issue, but Fundraising can be fun!
The votes are in and we can confirm that altogether we raised £118.74!!!
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone that contributed and helped us raise awareness for mouth cancer. We really appreciate it. 🥰
Now the moment all of you are waiting for – who got the most votes and had the pie in the face?
Well the results are in and we had 81 votes in total:
5th place: Dr. Rupra with 6 votes
4th place: Claire with 9 votes
3rd place: Dr. Jackson with 13 votes
Which means Dr. Dhesi and Dr. Jandu were in the top two! One had 22 votes and the other had 31 votes!
Who do you think had the most?
Watch our video by clicking below to see the results!
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Medical Forms
Introducing Patient Portal!
In these times, it is vitally important that we have up-to-date information about you, including your medical history.. We have therefore introduced a service to enable you to complete your forms online before you attend your appointment. You can do this from the comfort of your own home, minimising the amount of time you need to spend in the practice , safeguarding yourself and our staff.
You will recieve your links to complete your forms in your email and text message reminders prior to your appointment.
See the video below for a quick how-to guide on using Patient Portal.