COVID-19 Guidance and Updates
All updated COVID-19 guidance can be found by clicking this link.
Our team may refer you to this page to check if you need to delay, or defer your appointment.
If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions below, then you are on the respiratory pathway and a clinical assessment must be undertaken to determine if your treatment should be deferred – this means you must contact the practice immediately and speak to a team member.
If you answers ‘No’ to all the questions below, then you are on the non-respiratory pathway – however, please let the team know if you are considered to be a vulnerable patient – information on what defines a vulnerable patient can be found here.
Respiratory Illness Screening Questions
1. Do you have any respiratory illness symptoms*?
- New or continuous cough
- A loss of or change in sense of smell or taste
- Diarrhoea
- Sore throat
- Nasal discharge or congestion
- Nausea or vomiting
- An unusual headache or a headache that lasts longer than usual
- Unexplained tiredness
- Muscle aches and/or pains not caused by exercise
- High temperature, fever or chills
2. Have you or any member of your household tested positive for COVID- 19 in the last 10 days or are currently awaiting the result for a COVID-19 test?
3. Have you been advised to self-isolate in the last 10 days?
4. Have you travelled from another country outside the UK in the past 10 days?
Note: At the time of writing, 15th June 2022, there are no countries on the red list.